雅思阅读技巧:做单选题必须遵循的两个规则 雅思阅读中的单选题实际上是烤鸭们最熟悉的英语题型,但这类题却让不少烤鸭黯然神伤。常常找得到,看得懂,做不对。不但浪费了时间,而且答对率也不理想。今天为大家分析一道选自剑7P28的单选题Q27,旨在帮助烤鸭们加深对单选题出题思路的理解。解析之前,大家不妨试一下,题目如下: The book Educating Psyche is mainly concerned with Athe power of suggestion in learning. Ba particular technique for learning based on emotions. Cthe effects of emotion on the imagination and the unconscious. Dways of learning which are not traditional. 对应原文: Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning. One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion. 不知大家的选择如何,但笔者的学生基本上把四个选项选了个遍。下面我们按照常规思路来逐一分析。 读懂题干不难,问这本书是关于啥的。由于此题为本文首题,且题干中书名为斜体,定位文章首段没有任何问题。 选A选项的同学大有人在,并且给出了理由,原文明确指出了‘focuses on the power of suggestion’。但稍微细心点,回到原文我们发现‘One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.’这句话中,‘focuses on the power of suggestion’主语which指的是不是book呢,大部分学员都恍然大悟这句话指的是书中的theory。原文中描述对象为theory, 而题目问的是book, 描述对象的截然不同就被小烤鸭们华丽丽地忽视了。A项的偷换主语,成功地起到了张冠李戴的作用。 B选项‘a particular technique for learning based on emotions’包含了learning 和 emotions,且都为文中的信息,但信息不全,且干扰性远没有C选项大。C选项‘the effects of emotion on the imagination and the unconscious’在很多烤鸭眼中呼应了原文中的‘describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning’。但大家可以核对一下结构effect of A on B, 选项中A 为emotion,B 为imagination and the unconscious,而原文中 A为emotion, imagination and the unconscious,B为learning。错误选项C对原文进行了偷梁换柱,迷惑了不少呆萌的烤鸭。 而正确答案D项‘ways of learning which are not traditional’貌似与原文联系最小,但大家只要抓住题干的主语book, 就会发现原文‘Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning’直接给出了答案,只不过运用了‘否定+反义词’这一同义替换手段,即将new替换为not traditional。另外,approaches 替换为ways,也一定程度上增加了难度。 我们回过头来再看这一题时,有两点需要反思。其一,我们应该把更对的注意力放在题干的解读上,搞清楚问题的主语是谁,就不至于总试图在原文中多读些信息,然后再凭感觉来选了。这样的话,读到原文中的第二句话‘One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.’的前半部分识别出这句话主语为theory时,就应该不要再读了,因为与题干的提问对象不符。其二,严格按照原文提供的信息筛选选项。选项B和C很明显是对原文中‘describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning’的改写,稍作核对,应该可以顺利排除。毕竟,干扰选项在文中往往会有所涉及,要么偷梁换柱,要么信息不全。这时候,无端的臆想和一时的大意,都有可能阴沟翻船。 总结起来,做单选题的基本原则就是‘抓主语,文章说’。题干主语提供了描述对象,明确了方向,而尊重文章给出的信息,就可以避免自己的一时大意和主观臆想。 下面为各位烤鸭推荐一道类似题目(C5P27Q36) The writer suggests that newspapers print items that arc intended to Aeducate readers. Bmeet their readers' expectations. Cencourage feedback from readers. Dmislead readers. 原文如下: A third source of confusion is the attitude of the media. People are clearly more curious about bad news than good. Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. That, however, can lead to significant distortions of perception. |
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